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Calorie Based Diet for Males

Calorie Based Diet for Males

Regular price
25.000 KD
Sale price
25.000 KD
Quantity must be 1 or more

The Calorie Based Diet Plan is dependent on the individuals energy expenditure based on their goals. You may use any reliable method for calculating your daily caloric needs and then choosing your plan accordingly. CLICK HERE to use our calculator if you do not own an Apple Watch and need help with your selection. It is your responsibility to select the correct plan for yourself as we cannot exchange or refund any plans.

This diet is suitable for all goals (fat loss, maintenance or weight gain) as your selection is determined by your goal. This diet is not suitable for breastfeeding or pregnant women or anyone that suffers from any chronic illnesses or food allergies.

Please enter the correct email address during the checkout process, as the diet plandownload link will be sent to the email and will also be available for immediate download after payment.

Kindly read through our ‘Terms and Conditions’ and accept them before making your purchase.

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السعوديه.المنطقه الشرقيه

السلام عليكم
اود ان اشكر الأخ فهد على انظمته
اشتريت نظام ٢٥٠٠ سعره وكان وزني٩٠ كجم
في أول اسبوع كنت متأكد اني راح ازيد ٢ كيلو على الأقل
لكن المفاجأه اني نزلت ٢ كيلو وخسرت في ٣ اشهر ٨ كيلو
كنت يوميا اطفح مجابيس ولا افوت وجبة العشاء مع سناكات غير
صحيه تفوق ٥٠٠ سعره
ومع ذلك نزلت وتغير جسمي مع اني ماكنت اتمرن في الصاله وحتى الخطوات في الاغلب ٨آلاف خطوه

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