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Flexible Fat Loss Bundle for Females

Flexible Fat Loss Bundle for Females

Regular price 50.000 KWD
Regular price 80.000 KWD Sale price 50.000 KWD
Sale Sold out

This bundle contains the following plans:

Low Carb (Non workout days or Light Workout days)
Maintenance (Refeed days, 1-2 days per week)
Sedentary (low step count day, 6-8k)
Crossfit for Fat Loss (high intensity or heavy workout days)

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Frequently Asked Questions

When will I receive my plan?

An email confirmation will be sent to the email provided after your payment has been received. The email will contain a download link to your plan. 

Are plans customized for each customer?

No, but our plans are designed to suit every person individually if they follow the instructions provided correctly

Customer Reviews

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والان بعد الولاده استمريت عليه ٧ شهور والنتيجه اعظظظظم من السنه اللي فاتت
لان نشاطي عالي وناسب اكثر
البرنامج مرن وبسيط وفيه خيارات بكل بيت +تبي سناكات من البيت و غاليه من السوبرات كله متوفر وباختيارك
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وقريبا كروسفيت بناء العضلات💪🏻